Photo Face Off Season 2

Here’s a cool behind the scenes of Photo Face Off’s Season 2. The second episode airs tonight, but don’t miss next week’s Thai leg of the show, Thomas De Cian Photography will be there to judge a very exotic challenge…

The Hive Spa manicure and pedicure

I went back to The Hive Spa in Bangkok to photograph the manicure and pedicure treatments they recently started to offer to their guests. Some lifestyle photos from the shoot are on their website. A great thing about photographing spas here in Thailand is they are oasis of peace, especially in a city like Bangkok! If you feel like you need to unwind for a while during or at the end of a work-day in the city definitely give it a try.
On my website you can view more interior and lifestyle images.

Baby Gammy’s first steps

It has been a very intense three months, tied up photographing several projects and left with little time to blog or update this website.
I was recently assigned to photograph baby Gammy, the baby who found himself at the centre of a surrogacy scandal when he was abandoned by his Australian parents in Thailand, after they decided to take home only is healthy sister. Baby Gammy is now taking his first steps and living happily near Bangkok with his mother Goy and his Thai family. Donations from the public have helped her taking care of her son. You can view the full story on New Idea’s website.

The hive spa interior photography

Hong Kong based entrepreneur Constant Tedder recently opened up a branch of his successful co-worker office space here in Bangkok and I was asked to photograph the latest addition to the complex, The Hive Spa. I love photographing interiors, and this modern spa was created by a team of London-based interior designers. These are some interior photos we took last week, for the real thing head over to Thonglor and try a relaxing massage. For more interior photography visit my online portfolio.

Shoyu Japanese restaurant

Recently, I spent three days photographing the food menu for a newly opened restaurant in Bangkok. A welcome bonus when photographing food is that I often get to try some of the dishes prepared for photography, and the one in the photo was fantastic. Check out Shoyu’s Facebook page or visit my food photography portfolio for more images.

Organic crops in northern Thailand

Had a great time photographing for Urmatt in Chiang Rai. If you are into organic food check out this Thailand-based social enterprise that is doing a great job in trying to raise the livelihood of farmers and local hill tribes.

Soundcloud Audio Post Format

Malorum temporibus vix ex. Ius ad iudico labores dissentiunt. In eruditi volumus nec, nibh blandit deseruisse ne nec, vocibus albucius maluisset ex usu.

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Bo.Lan and Apinara

Two restaurants I had the chance to photograph here in Bangkok for Thai Airways, Bo.Lan, one of the best Thai restaurants in Bangkok, that recently moved to a new location in Thonglor, and Apinara, newly opened at the Groove. Both worth a try for their food and atmosphere.