Hotel and Resort photography in Krabi, Thailand

It’s been nearly four months since my last post, a really busy time indeed — there’s been lots of good stuff in front of my camera. In December I photographed a beach resort in Krabi, in the South of Thailand. Enjoy this gallery and click on the images to view my full interior hotel and resort portfolio. And of course a big thanks to The Pelican Krabi.

Fuji X-T2 at Sühring Restaurant Bangkok

It has now been six months shooting and working with the Fuji X-T2 as my main camera body and finally Fuji has nailed a flexible camera that delivers under most conditions. This story on the Sühring Twins restaurant in Bangkok is the very first job I shot with it, and since then I have used the X-T2 to photograph a variety of assignments, from interiors, food and lifestyle, to fashion and products in the studio.

Having started photography with fully manual film cameras, I never really got used to the wheel controls of Canon and Nikon. Fuji’s aperture rings on the lenses and the classic shutter speed dial, now dubbed “retro style”, are what original prompted my move to Fuji almost five years ago. The controls felt more natural, more like what I was used to, and despite the many glitches of earlier Fuji X cameras, they made photography once again more enjoyable (if frustrating at times!).

We now have a camera that can nail a shot under most lighting conditions, and can deliver consistently an reliably when photographing moving things, my 2-year old daughter being the hardest and most erratic subject I ever tried to photograph!

As you can read in all the tech specs info, many things have been improved over past models. What I personally like the most are the snappiness of the shutter and the ability to shoot several shots without having to refocus (I somehow never managed to do that with my X-T1, maybe there is a way but I haven’t figured it out). Since I shoot interiors and hotels, which often require bracketing shots, I’m glad the AE Bracketing program was finally redesigned. No idea why it wasn’t done earlier, or why it is not been extended to older models, as is just so clumsy to bracket with older generation Fuji X cameras.

What could be further improved? Besides the well known documented issues (battery life, autofocus-yes it is still inconsistent at times and with some lenses), I’d like to see better flash support (Godox is going in the right direction here), seamless tethering throughout a variety of applications, and some speciality lenses (macro/tilt-shift). While not everybody needs those, included me most times, it is nice to have the option for when the need arises, and Fuji should quickly address that if they want to the X series to be a truly professional system.

Wish of a Lifetime Canada

Last month I photographed an assignment for Wish of a Lifetime Canada, a non-profit organisation that works to fulfil lifetime wishes for elderly citizens. It was great documenting 88 year-old Gordon’s visit to Thailand, where he was finally able to meet his great-grandchildren who are living near Bangkok with Gordon’s grandson and his Thai wife. Check out some of the images we shot for WOL, or see the full coverage here, here or in this video.

On a commercial shoot with the Fuji X-Pro2

Chefs-UFS-commercial-photography-shootLast month I photographed an advertisement in Bangkok for an international food brand and I had a chance to shoot side by side with a Fuji X-T1 and the newer X-Pro 2. Besides the improved tech-specs, which you can read from one of the many reviews already on the web, I wanted to see how the two cameras handle and respond to the needs of a commercial shoot in real life. I’ve been using the Fuji system for 4 years, but this was the first time I didn’t bring a DSLR on a commercial photography gig.

The brief was to photograph two chefs finishing off some dishes, so it was a mix of food photography and lifestyle photography. To light the scene we used a combination of strobes and the existing Kino Flo set up by the film crew shooting the TVC.

So how does the X-Pro2 improve on the X-T1? As many have already pointed out the X-Pro2 is a better camera (faster AF, higher resolution, dual card slot etc…), but the biggest difference and for me the biggest improvement over the X-T1 is something I surprisingly haven’t found on the many reviews I’ve read so far: reduced shutter lag and a much improved responsiveness. While this might not improve the image quality in itself, the overall shooting experience is a lot smoother and less clunky. The camera shoots fast and the black-out time between shots is minimal, reminding of a DSLR. This might or might not result in better photos, but it definitely helps not to miss precious moments, and makes the job a lot more fun.

I am now curious to see how the newly launched X-T2 stands up to that, I think it will do great and set a new benchmark for Fuji.

Resort Photography @ Baan Souchada

Photographing a resort or a hotel is always great fun. Recently I was asked to photograph a 5 star boutique hotel to refresh the brand: interiors, lifestyle shots, facilities, food and activities. They also bring in elephants sometimes, so I found myself riding one again after being tipped in the water by one in Laos!

Loi Krathong

It’s Loi Krathong time again! Thais celebrate the full moon of November floating “Krathong” on revers and lakes. Here’s a photo I shot last year during the event celebrations. For more images of festival and events check my full online portfolio.

Food Photography Challenge

Bugs food photography… Sounds delicious! It was great fun watching the photographers battling it out in Chiang Mai with Justin and judging their images. 20 minutes to style and photograph a plate is a challenge ever for the best food photographer… when the food is creepy crawlers it takes it to the next step! If you haven’t seen it yet, and you are in Thailand, you can watch the full episode here. It will also air again in Thailand on December 6 and 7, don’t miss it